Monday, June 30, 2008

Horoscope Analysis of Gautama Buddha-Buddhisam

Today (June—30--2008), I analyse the horoscope of Gautama Buddha (original name Prince Siddhartha) is the founder of the religion Buddhisam; he is worshipped as an incarnation of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu, by the Hindus.



Venus Jupiter

Saturn Mars





Gautama Buddha – Siddhartha- April-14-623 B.C. Vaisakha Poornima Mid-day Lumbini, Nepal 27*08’ North; 83*06 East











His Karma (Rajya)10th house (Aries) has 5 planets (in Sri Narayana sthanam). Mars is in his own house, bestowing Ruchaka yoga. Full moon aspects all 5 planets is very beneficial. Jupiter-Moon opposition is Gaja-Kesari yoga. Mars-Moon opposition is strong Chandra-Mangla yoga . Saturn-Moon opposition is Chandra-Sani yoga. Venus-Moon opposition is Sukra-Sasi yoga. Venus and Jupiter (lord of 9th house) conjunction is Aadikya yoga (bestowed him supreme wisdom). The combination of all these maha-raja-yogas in one house, Rajya-sthana from lagna and in Kendra (7th) from Moon made him Emperor. He enjoyed royal comforts for 30 years. Saturn is debilitated in Aries; but he has Neecha-bhanga Raja yoga, because the lord of Aries, Mars, is in his own house conjunct with Sani (kendram- house-1). Mercury is the lord of 12th house (house of moksha or liberation); he is in the constellation of lagna lord, Moon. In Nava-amsa chart Jupiter is exalted. This enabled him to gain wisdom and become Buddha= Awakened Person, on his 36th birth-day, Vaisakha Poornima, during Mercury main period-Mercury sub-period. His fame spread far and wide during Venus period-Venus sub period. His chart has Pancha-anana-yoga and Pancha-graha-malika yoga also. Lakshmi-sthaanam thri konancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha thayo sambandha mathrena, Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth != The lord of 9th house (kona), Jupiter and lord of 10th house (Kendra), Mars are conjunct in Rajya is a Maha-raja-yoga. The Lord of 5th house (kona), Mars and lord of 7th house (Kendra) Saturn are conjunct is a Maha-raja-yoga. He has become the Emperor of entire humanity in Spiritual Kingdom of the world and ruled their hearts and minds, for thousands of years.

Buddha died during Sun period and Mars sub period. Sun is lord of 2nd house (Leo) and Saturn is lord of 7th house (capricorn); they are conjunct and cause his death at his 80th year. Mars is the lord of two death-causing houses, 2nd and 7th , reckoned from Moon (Indu-lagna). =============================

You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Obama H Barack- horoscope analysis-Raja yogams

Today (June—29--2008) I analyse the horoscope of Mr. Obama H Barack; presidential Candidate for U.S.A. , based on his Moon’s house (Indu lagna, Taurus).






RASI Obama H Barack Aug-4-1961 Honalulu U.S.A

Sun Mercury




Mars Rahu


The analysis is based on Indu lagna (Moon’s position). Lord of lagnam is in 2nd (Dhana) house; Venus is benific. So he gets huge money from others to meet his expenses (as donations). Jupiter is in 9th house (bagyam; luck). Saturn is in his own house, 9th house (bagyam; luck). Both periods of Jupiter (1996-2012) & Saturn (2012-31) give him luck & benefits. The lord of 10th house (rule, power) is Saturn . So luck bestows him success in winning nomination from his party over Mrs. Hillary Clinton. The conjunction of Sun and Mercury is Budha-Aditya yogam; this gives him prosperity and power. Vrushabhasya Mandaika Su-yogadha (Sloka-Jataka)=Saturn is yoga-karaka (highly beneficial) to him (born in Indu-lagna of Taurus). ========================

You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

M.S.Subbulakshmi-world-renowned saint-musician-Raja yogas

Today ( June—28—2008) I analyse the horoscope of world-renowned Indian musician Smt. M.S. Subbu-lakshmi (1916—2004). She was honoured with the award of highest BHARATH RATNA. She was honoured in U.N.O. New York for her outstanding music-performance with standing ovation in 1966. She was a noble lady and great philanthropist and donated all her earnings, millions of rupees, for charitable purposes. She was a great devotee of God; she was a saint-musician.

Moo Jup


RASI M.S.Subbu-Lakshmi Sept-16-1916 at Madurai






Libra Mars

Sun Mer


We analyse this horoscope based on Indu lagna, Aries. (1) Gaja-kesari yoga: in Indu lagna is excellent yoga. She was prosperous and enjoyed royal comforts in life. (2) Kahala yoga : Lord of 4th house (Kendra) is Moon; Lord of 9th house (konam) is Jupiter; they are conjunct; she was daring and held a highly adored place of an empress of music world (as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru rightly praised her) in Indian Music. Lakshmi-sthaanam

thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha thayo sambandha mathrena, Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth != She enjoyed raja-yoga all her life.

(3) Chandra -Mangla yoga : Mars and Moon are mutually in opposition; raja-yogam; this gave her success in worldly affairs and in profession / career as musician; she gained in all aspects in this material world.

(5) Budha-adity yoga: Mercury is

exalted and Sun is conjunct; she

gets prosperity and success in carrer.

(6) Venus, Moon, Jupiter in Kendras (1,4 houses); strong Saraswathi yoga made her top-most carnatic musician in the world. (7) Daana yoga :Ketu is in 4th house with Saturn. She did not amass wealth or earn properties. She donated millions of rupees of her earnings for charitable purposes and people in real distress and destitutes. (8) Venus in 4th (Vidya) house made her expert musician and artist.

(9) Panchanana-yoga : all 9 planets are in 5 houses; this made her rich and prosperous.

You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Friday, June 27, 2008

MENTAL ILLNESS & Its dignosis from birth chart




11) Nakshatras (Constellatios) Analysis : Now we examine the connections of planets and the Nakshatras (constellations) and Nakshatra rulers and the interconnection of the planets and the Nakshatra rulers that they are located in:

1. Lagna lord Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of Mula, which is ruled by Ketu. Ketu is in Purva Bhadra, which is ruled by Jupiter. This establishes not only a Jupiter / Ketu connection, but also a connection between the first, 2nd and 4th houses, dealing with the self, the mind and the home, private life, mother and peace of mind (4th).

2. The Moon is in Ashlesha ruled by Mercury. Mercury, in turn is in Hasta, which is ruled by the Moon. The houses affected here are the seventh, eighth and tenth. The Moon itself is in the eighth, a dushsthana (malefic) house. The eighth (randhra) can be associated with "mental sufferings and psychological afflictions."

3. Lagna and Saturn are both in Nakshatra Purva Ashada, ruled by Venus. Venus is in Chitra ruled by Mars. Mars is in Mrigashira, its own constellation.
The planets are located the first/seventh/tenth houses and own six of the twelve in the chart houses. So here is a very powerful connection for deeper analysis of the relations and effects. Rahu is also in a Venus-ruled Nakshatra - Purva Phalguni. (concluded) References : 1) Jataka Tatva – ancient vedic astrology text. 2 ) Article by Mr. Michael Bryant in BAVA website. ========================= You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Thursday, June 26, 2008





5. Mandi a malefic (like Saturn) is at nearly nine degrees in Virgo in the tenth house. Mandi is not in the seventh house, but it is doubly afflicted by both Mars and Saturn. Mandi is conjunct with the Sun, Mercury (exalted) and Venus, all of whom share this unfortunate dual aspect from Mars and Saturn. The person has suffered severe shame about his inability to maintain his employment. He keenly desires to work, and earn; yet he fears a repetition of his brief earlier employment experiences, which preceded the onset of his first mental illness. It was then that he began to suffer from his inability to concentrate due to constant hearing voices.

6) Moon is afflicated: the Moon, while not in a Kemadruma Yoga is flanked in both adjacent houses by malefics, Mars and Rahu, causing a Papa Kartari Yoga. This does not bode well for the planet Moon, that is the significator of feelings and emotional reactions.

7) Mercury is afflicted: Mercury, significator of reason and intellect, although is in Virgo (own / exalted house), unfortunately suffers aspects from both Saturn, Mars and in the proximity of Sun in the rasi chart.

8) In the Nava amsa chart, Mercury is formidably opposed by Mars in Scorpio.

9) Jupiter is afflicted: Jupiter, planet of wisdom is conjunct with Saturn and opposed by Mars in the rasi. In the Nava amsa, Jupiter is conjunct with Ketu in Aries in the seventh house.

10) Birth- lagna is afflicted: The lagna is conjunct with Saturn and opposed by Mars in the rasi. In the Nava amsa, lagna is conjunct with Rahu and flanked in adjacent houses by both Mars and Saturn. (To be continued tomorrow in Part—5). References: 1) Jataka Tatva – ancient vedic astrology text. 2 ) Article by Mr. Michael Bryant in BAVA website. ========================= You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MENTAL ILLNESS & Its dignosis from birth chart




This person suffers from schizophrenic illness; he is unable to work / do any job due to constant problems with his hearing "voices" , that is "auditory hallucinations." Based on Jataka Tatva, ancient text on astrology one can explain his natal-chart as follows :
















Sun. Venus.

















1. Jupiter is in the birth-lagna and Mars is in opposition in the seventh house. Jupiter is in his own house, in Sagittarius and is strong; so he is a "relatively well" schizophrenic)

2. Saturn is also in the birth-lagna, conjunct with Jupiter. This creates a restriction on the otherwise strong Jupiter in Sagittarius.

3. According to the Jataka Tattva, the next possible indicator of mental illness is if Saturn is in the 12th house associated with a waning Moon. In the Rasi chart, although the Moon is indeed waning, Saturn is at 18 degrees and the Ascendant (lagnam) is at nearly 23 degrees in Sagittarius, so even though Saturn precedes the lagna, it is still by Vedic standards in the 1st house. However, in the Navamsha the situation is reversed, there is a new moon, but Saturn is in the 12th house. So the rule applies in this case.

4. The next rule in Jataka Tatva does apply here, as Saturn is the lord of the second house and aspects both the Sun and Mars. The second house is relevant as it refers to (vaak) speech. This rule is applicable because this person has difficulty with communication. (To be continued tomorrow in Part—4). References: 1) Jataka Tatva – ancient vedic astrology text. 2 ) Article by Mr. Michael Bryant in BAVA website. ========================= You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008



PART—2. This must be corroborated by other factors such as:
1. Afflictions to the Moon (mind), Mercury (nervous system) and Jupiter (maturity / wisdom). Particularly, when all three of these planets are afflicted, conditions leading to mental illness are highly possible.

2. The fifth house can correspond to thinking, logic and wisdom. If the lord of the 5th house is afflicted, the person suffers mental disorders.

3. The lagna and / or Aries, both indicate the head; if they are afflicted the person is mentally ill.

4. Kemadruma Yoga - This is a condition occurs when the moon has no planets in either of the signs flanking it. When there is no planet in the 2nd or the 12th from the moon, the soundness of the mind may be spoiled. Again, the entire natal-chart needs to be examined carefully.

It is always desirable to search for confluence (conjunct) in the chart, before taking any such a serious conclusion. If there is a possibility of mental illness, these indicators will often show up not only in the rasi chart, but also the Nava-amsa chart and possibly other divisional (harmonic) charts also. (To be continued tomorrow in Part—3). References: 1) Jataka Tatva – ancient vedic astrology text. 2 ) Article by Mr. Michael Bryant in BAVA website. ===============================

You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Monday, June 23, 2008





Nowadays, several thousands of people suffer due to “Mental illness” for various reasons like stress and strain in modern world; financial problems, family unrest and society-turmoil and the like. Classical astrological texts did focus on some of the possible indicators of severe mental illness.

The "Jataka Tattva", an ancient vedic astrology text, gives a list of some of the following alignments of planets in the natal chart of a person as possible combinations causing mental illness: 1. Jupiter is in the ascendant and Mars is in the seventh house or vice versa. 2. Saturn is in the birth-lagna and Mars is in the 5th, 7th or 9th house. 3. Saturn is in the 12th house and is conjunct with a waning (ksheena-chandra) Moon. 4. Saturn is in the birth-lagna, Sun is in the Vyaya (12th) house and Mars or the Moon in a trine (kona, 1, 5, or 9th house).
5. Association of Saturn and the lord of the second house with the Sun or Mars. 6. Birth occurs in the hora of Saturn or Mars, a Sun-Moon conjunction in the lagna, the 5th or the 9th , and Jupiter in a quadrant (Kendra, 1, 4, 7 or 10th house). 7. Mandi (the malefic sub-planet that has no physical existence but has a Saturn-like malefic quality) is in the 7th house, afflicted by a malefic. The same rule may apply if Mandi is in the 5th house. 8. Rahu and the Moon in the birth-lagna, and malefics (like Saturn, Mars) in the trines. (i.e., "Pishacha Grasta" Yoga, a combination for being overtaken by the "spirits", indicative of phobias.) (To be continued tomorrow in Part—2). References: 1) Jataka Tatva – ancient vedic astrology text. 2 ) Article by Mr. Michael Bryant in BAVA website. ========================= You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rajanikant's horoscope has raja yogams

Today (June-22-2008; Sunday),

I continue to analyse the

horoscope of a very

famous, highly successful cine


Part : 2

Vesi yogam makes him happy,

truthful and of balanced nature.

Moon is the lord of Vyaya (12th ;

malefic) house, and is in 6th

house (Satru; malefic) This is

Viparya raja-yogam which lifts

him lofty heights of greatness;

his name and fame are wide-spread

in many foreign countries like

Korea, Japan, South Africa, U.K.

and the like. Jupiter is in 7th house

(Kendram; Sri Narayana stanam)

aspects birth lagnam and gives him

many benefits like cooperation and

success he gets from producer, film

-distributors. Durdhara yoga

enables him to enjoy all worldly

comforts and royal luxuries in life.

Sun and Rahu cause him Raja-

sambandhi yoga. Saturn is in 10th

house from Moon; so he has keen

interest to play a prominent role in

politics, and control the rulers.

The year 2009 is more suitable for

himto involve in politics. Ketu is

in 2nd house makes him charitable.


You can get my full particulars

from my web-site You can get my

astrological services by contacting

me by

and know my fee particulars. I have

44 years of experience / practice as

an active astrologer.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cine actor Rajanikant horoscope has Raja yogas

Today (June-21-2008; Saturday),

I analyse the horoscope of a very

famous, highly successful cine

actor RAJANIKANT. He rose

to lofty peaks of glory, and is

adored by millions of cine-fans,

from the most ordinary level of

a bus-conductor. I attribute his

phenomenal success and rise

mainly due to strong Raja-

yogams in his natal chart.










Famous Cine Actor













Sun is the lord of birth lagnam; so

he is atma-kataka; Sun is in Kendra

(4th house); Sri Naryana-sthanam.

Saturn is in 2nd house, dhana-stanaam.

So Sun and Saturn have bestowed

him success, power and glory.

Venus is the lord of 10th house

(Karma-stanam= profession); she is

in 5th house with Mercury (benefic)

(konam; Sri Maha Lakshmi stanam);

so he reached peaks of glory as film

-actor; and earned billions of riches.

Mars is exalted in 6th house; this is

Ruchaka (Mahapurush)yogam; this

enabled him to become a leader,

enterprising, bold and of dashing

nature; also billions of worth of lands

and properties. Ketu in 2nd house

made him spiritually oriented and

this prompted him to produce and act

in films like BABA. Chandra-

MangalaYoga (Mars & Moon are

conjuct) bestows him worldly

wisdom and material success.

Venus and Mercury aspect (see)

the labham (11th house); also

Jupiter’s aspect (5th drushti) on

labham enhance his gains by

thousands of times. Mercury is

lord of labham and dhana stanams

and is in 5th house bestows him

success & makes him a multi-

billionaire (carore-pathi).


You can get my full particulars

from my web-site You can get my

astrological services by contacting

me by

and know my fee particulars. I have

44 years of experience / practice as

an active astrologer.