Sunday, July 19, 2009

Financial Prosperity - horoscope predictions--Part--33

Financial Prosperity Part—33 (July—19—2009) Sunday Today I analyse the Bhava chart of Sri Abhishek Batchan; a multi-millionaire, in 2 parts. I prefer Bhava Chart for predictions; but not Rasi chart. Bhava chart takes the birth lagnam position as standard reference point and gives more accurate predictions. This is my experience during the past 45 years of practice as Astrologer-Scientist. Abhishek, the lagna position is 188*-42’ (based on the information available to me; I do not know its accuracy). Part--1


Moon Jupiter

Mars Ketu



Bhava chart Aabhishek Bachan









This chart has Raja-yogas. By birth he is a multi-billionaire. He is a very known cinema actorl He is the only son of world famous cine-stars Amita Bachan and Jaya Badhuri; they have riches and properties (huge estates and palaces) worth billions of rupees. So we can say, Sri Abhishek was born with a pure gold spoon studded with diamonds in his mouth. He married a world-renowned Miss. Universe Beauty and cinema actrees Ms. Aiswraya Rai. He is one of the luckiest persons in India. (1) Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha. thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth ! = Meaning :-- 1,5,9 houses from birth lagnam (ascendant) are called trikonams (trines); 1,4,7,10 houses from birth lagam are called kendrams (quadrants); if the lords of trikonam and kendram are conjunct in same beneficial house, the person is blessed with Raja-yogam; he gets longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame. In this chart 5th house is Sri Maha Lakshmi sthanam is Aquarius (Kumbha). Its lord is Sani (Saturn); he is in 10th house (Kendram, quadrant) Sri Narayana sthanam. Also the 9th house (Bhgayam; prosperity and luck) is Sri Maha Lakshmi sthanam is Gemini (Mithuna). It lord is Mercury is in 4th house (Kendram; quadrant) Sri Narayana sthanam. These two are very beneficial arrangements and gave him billioms of riches. (2) Sun and Mercury are conjunct in 4th house (Sri Narayana Sthanam), forming a strong . Budha-Aditya yoga; he earns billions in his profession. Ravi, Soumya yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Budha-Aditya yogamutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, vanijya-vardhanam. He is already a multi-billionaire (Karore-pathi). He enjoys best status, riches, power, name and fame and all the best benefits in life. So he gets financial gains worth millions. (3) Jupiter and Moon are conjunct in 7th house (Aries), Kendram (quadrant) Sri Narayana sthana. This is strong Gaja-kesari yoga :-- Chandra-kendre Bruhaspathihi; Gaja-kesari yoga sanjatho, subha-yogam, satha aayu praapthihi. = This gives him excellent royal comforts and best benefits all his life, millions of rupees worth financial gains and success in all his efforts and longevity. Also this Maha-raja-yogam occurred in 7th house (Kalthra-stahana; wife and married life). This blessed him with a Miss. World Beauty, Ms. Aiswarya Rai, as his wife; she already earned billions of ruppes as the most successful actress for over 12 years, Also this raja-yoga enables him to gain the properties and riches of his wife for him and his family. (to be continued tomorrow in Part-2)------------------------------------ You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer