Monday, September 15, 2008

Raja Yogams Female Horoscopy _Part--14

Part—14 (Sept--15--2008)

Today I continue the analysis of the horoscope of Smt. Varlakshmi; and narrate her life events based on her horoscope.

20) The end of Saturn Maha-dasa brought her distress and woes. Saturn occupies the constellation of Ketu. Saturn is in 7th house from Moon; Saturn aspects (3rd Mercury, the lord of 5th house (Gemini) from Indu-lagna. Jupiter is in 2ndth house (with Ketu in it) from lagna (Taurus); Mars aspects (8th drushti) Jupiter; Mars is lord of Aries, which is the 12thth house (Taurus); during the sub-period of Jupiter during main period of Saturn. her eldest son died; she experienced intense distress nadm ental agony. drushti), house Maarka=death-causing position) from 5 house (vyaya) for the 5

21) Though Saturn was the lord of birth lagna, he was in 8th house (Randhra) from her birth-lagna. Makare ashtame Mande, na yogadau, bahu kashta bhaak = Saturne in 8th house is malefic; the person suffers misery and agony in the period of Saturn. So Saturn gave her mental agony, loss of children and bodily-suffering in his main period. Her health was spoiled. As the lord of birth lagna, and dhana-sthana (2nd house), Saturn gave her and her husband name, fame and financial prosperity.

22) Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha.

thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth !

1,5,9 houses from birth lagnam (ascendant) are called trikonams (tridents); 1,4,7,10 houses from birth lagam are called kendrams (quadrants); if the lords of trikonam and kendram are conjunct in same beneficial house, the person is blessed with Raja-yogam; if these lords exchange their places also in good houses, they give many benefits, the person gets longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame.

9th house in konams and 10th house in Kendrams are best houses; if lords of 9th and 10th houses are conjunct in same house, or they exchange their positions and there are no malefic effects associated, the person enjoys a powerful Raja-yogam. This is also called Dharma-Karma-adhipa-parivarthana yogam.

Her birth chart has this Dharma-karma-adhipa-parivarthana yoga. Mercury is lord of 9th house (Bhagya / Dharma sthana); he is in 10th Venus is the lord of 10th house (Rajya / Karma sthana), she is in 9th (to be continued tomorrow) === You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 44 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer house (Libra); house (Virgo); there are no maleficeffects on these two houses.