Astrological factors conducive for Foreign Travel & Settling Abroad
Part -8. Mar--6– 2010 Saturday
Example :-
Pisces -11- | Mercury Saturn | Lagna Sun; Mars Moon | Gemini Venus |
Rahu | BHAVA Marthi Kumar | Aarudha | |
-9- | Ketu Gul | ||
| -7- | Libra | Jupiter |
In the above natal chart (of Sri Maruthi Kumar), Ketu and Gulika are in 4th house. So he is deprived of the comforts of living in his own house at his native place with his parents. Within a week of passing his B.E. exams in Visakhapatnam, in India (at the age of 20 years), he migrated to U.S.A. and settled there permanently. Jupiter is in 5th house and Saturn is in 12th house. So he migrated to U.S.A. for higher education. The lord of 2nd house (Gemini) is Mercury. He is also lord of 5th house (family and children), Virgo. Mercury can initiate the migration to a foreign country for job / profession and earning; Mercury (lord of 2nd house) is in 12th house so he was separated from his family and parents). This person joined the profession and started his own business during the period of Rahu and sub-period of Sun (the lord of 4th house, Leo). He is now a citizen of U.S.A. ---------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer