Sunday, May 10, 2009

Raja yogas for prosperity : Part-112

Happy Announcement : Hearty Greetings, During May-1 t0 May-10 period 2009, I received 93 requests to my e-mail to give them horoscope analysis and astrological guidance regarding their profession problems. They requested to charge US dollars. Fifty only (Rupees-Two thousand only), in view of their bad financial condition. I am moved with pity. So I propose to give brief horos-analysis and answer two or three questions based on their horoscope as per their request. I hope you take advantage of this offer. Best wishes, Prof. Ramana Rao, Ph.D., Astrologer-Scientist. Durham. NC-27703. USA.



Part :-- 113 (May—10—2009) Sunday MAHA BHAGYA YOGA

Rule : -- If the lord of lagna or 3rd house or 5th house is strong and a benefic and aspects the 9th house (Bhagya-sthana) or a strong benefic is in 9th house, unallocated, preferably in his own house or in exaltation, Maha Bhagya yoga is formed.

Benefits :- The person is very wealthy and prosperous and enjoys royal comforts in life.

Example : 3

This is the natal chart of a house-wife; she is rich and prosperous. Jupiter is in the 5th house in Pisces. She has only one very good and intelligent son. She has all the benefits enunciated above by astrologers-authors. She has Maha-Bhagya yoga in her horoscope. Jupiter is in his own house (Sagittarius). He apects (5th drushti) the 9th house (Bhagya; luck and prosperity); he also aspects the 11th house (Laabha; gains ans wealth); he also aspects (9th drushti) birth-lagna – all these are very beneficial to her and make her a millionaire.

















1) Jupiter is in his own house (Sagittarius) in moola-trikona (best position). He is in 5th house (kona; trines; Sri Maha Lakshmi sthana). Simhe’ panchame Jeeve,--- su-yogancha, puthra-vardhanam, chirat-sukham = Jupiter is very bneficial. She is blessed with a very good son. The period of Guru is very beneficial to her. She enjoys royal comforts and gains financially during the period of Jupiter. 2) Mars : Mars is in his own house in moola-trikonam (Best position) bhagyam (9th house); she gains houses, lands and properties. Navame Kuja sthithau su-yogadfau, Bhoo, gruha prapthi sambhavam; pithru kastadaha = Since Mars is malefic and is in pithru-sthana (9th house), he father died during Mars’ period, when she was a girl of 9 years. She gained one big house, one shopping compex and one house-site during Rahu main period and Kuja sub-periods as in heritance. 3) . Budha-Aditya yoga : Sun and Mercury are conjunct in 6th house (Sathru sthana; enemy house). So this yogam is futile for her. Ravi, Soumya yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Budha-Aditya yogamutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, vanijya-vardhanam. He is already a multi-billionaire (Karore-pathi). He enjoys best status, riches, power, name and fame and all the best benefits in life. So he got financial gains worth billions.

4) Parivarthana yoga (Exchange yoga) : Venus is in Aquarius (lord is Saturn); Saturn is in Taurus (lord is Venus), This exchange causes a raja-yoga and bothe periods of Venus and Saturn give her best benefits. 5) Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha. thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth ! = Meaning :-- 1,5,9 houses from birth lagnam (ascendant) are called trikonams (trines); 1,4,7,10 houses from birth lagam are called kendrams (quadrants); if the lords of trikonam and kendram are conjunct in same beneficial house, the person is blessed with Raja-yogam; she gets longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame. Mars is lord of 4th house (Kendra; quadrant; Scorpio); he is in 9th house (own house, Aries, Kona. Trines). So she gets financial gains due to Mars during his periods. The combined benefits of all the above aspects made her highly successful and a millionaire. Her properties are now worth 20 millions rupees. ---------------------------------