Monday, June 21, 2010


7) Imprisonment :- In Nava-amsa chart, Sun was conjunct with (malefic) Saturn. So he landed in prison with the commencement of main period of Sun. 8) Death of father :- Sun was pithru-karaka (significator of father). Rahu was in 12th house (vyaya; loss). So during the main period of Sun and the sub-period of Rahu, Jawaharlal suffered the death of his father. 9th house is the house of father. Jupiter was the lord of the 9th house (Pisces). He was aspected (7th drushti) by (malefic) Rahu. The sub-lord Rahu was in 8th house (randhra; hole) from Sun (pithru-kaaraka). These factors resulted in the loss of his father. 9) Re-imprisonment : During the main period of Sun and by the end of Rahu sub-period Jawaharlal was again imprisoned. He was released from jail during 1935; during the main period of Sun and sub-period of Venus. 10) Death of wife :- Venus was afflicted by the 3rd drushti of Saturn. Venus was kalthra-kaarka (significator of wife). Due to these factors, during the period of Sun and sub-period of Venus, his wife Smt. Kamala died after prolonged illness. In Rasi the major lord Sun owned the 2nd house (house of family) and malefic Saturn was in that 2nd house. In Nava-amsa Sun owned the 7th house (Leo), the house of wife and married life. Besides malefic Ketu was present in that 7th house. The sub-lord Venus was of course Kalathra-kaarka. Between themselves, Sun was in 2nd house (maraca-sthana) from Venus; Venus was in 12th house (vyaya; loss) from Sun. All these factors together caused the death of his wife. 11) Detention : Nehru’s last detention in Yeravada jail occurred in the main period of Moon and the sub-period of Mercury. Both these planets were hemmed between malefics. Moon had Rahu in 12th house and Saturn in 2nd house and was thus afflicted. Mercury was had Mars in 12th house and Sun in 2nd house and was afflicted. The sub-lord Mercury owns the 12th house (Gemini) and the 3rd house (Vrigo) and so adhipathya-paapi (malefic due to lordship of two malefic houses). Mercury was conjunct with Venus, the lord of 11th house (upachaya). At that time Rahu was transiting radical Saturn. Saturn was in 2nd house from Moon and so was malefic.