Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bhagya (Luck & Fortune) yogams; Part-2

Bhagya (Luck & Fortune) yogams

Jyly—15—2010; Thursday

Bhagya Yoga—2 :- Rule ;- A strong benefic must be in the birth-lagna (ascendant); the lord of the 3rd house or 5th house simultaneously aspect the 9th house. Benefits :- The person shall be very lucky, wealthy, pleasure-loving and fortunate. He enjoys royal comforts all his life. He maintains bank fixed deposits. He is a millionaire. My comments :- This yoga can occur only when these two condtions are satisfied : (1) a strong and benefic planet must occupy the bith lagna (ascaendant) or the 3rd or 5th house. At the same time the 9th house is to be aspected (benfic drusthi) by that benefic. Obviously only Jupiter in birth lagna or in 5th house alone can cause this yoga. No other planet can stay in lagna and aspect the 9th house simultaneously. Any benefic planet in 3rd house can cause the yoga from the 3rd house. Due consideration must be given to the nature of ownership of the benefic planet before evaluating the yoga and its strength. Example : Cancer as birth yoga with Jupiter in it can cause a powerful Bhagya yoga. Jupiter is the lord of 9h house (Pisces) and aspects it with 9th drushti. Birth lagna, Cancer, is the exaltation house for Jupiter. Bhagavan Sri Rama’s natal chart is an example for this type of planetary arrangement. The same yoga forming from Gemini as birth-lagna becomes ineffective. In that case, Jupiter is the lord of two kendras, 7th house (Sagittarius) and the 10th house (Pisces) and has strong Kendra-adhipatya dosha for Jupiter. One can not consider the temportal nature of the benefic as per the rule. It is clearly implied in the rule that the strength of the yoga is based on the resultant total of the benefic. The yoga depends on the strength of the benefic in birth-lagna or 3rd of 5th house.






Bhagavan Sri Rama Rasi















Sri Rajeev Gandhi Rasi / Bhava













Example : 1 :- In the horoscope of Bhagavan Sri Rama, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, the birth lagna. Also Moon is in his own house in Cancer and is conjunct with Jupiter forming very strong Gaja-kesari yoga. The 9th house has Venus exalted in it. Jupiter has beneficial aspect (9th drushti) on the 9th house and Venus. This caused a very strong Bhagya yoga in his life. Also he has powerful Dhatrutva (Charity) yoga. The 9th house has Venus exalted in it and is aspected (9th drushti) by a highly benefic Jupiter. Bhagavan Sri Rama is always very generous to all his devotees always. Example : 2 :- In the horoscope of Sri Rajeev Gandhi, (Prime Minister of India during 1985--1991 period. He was the grandson of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minster of India (till 1964). He was the eldest son of Smt. Indira Gandhi, the world-renowned lady-politician and very powerful administrator and Prime Minister of India till Oct--1984). Leo is the birth lagna, as well as arudha lagna as well as Rasi lagna. All the three benefics Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in the lagna (ascendant). Jupiter is the lord of 5th house, Sagittarius. He aspects (9th drushti) the 9th house (Aries). So he enjoyed Bhagya yoga fully all his life. He was a multi-billionaire. ---------- Dedicated with Devotion to Bhagavan Sri Hari Haranatha Swamy (Sri Sankara Narayana (to be continued tomorrow). You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------