Friday, July 9, 2010


9) Gaja-Kesari yoga : Gaja-kesari yogoyam Chandra-kendre Bruhaspathihi; Gaja-kesari yoga sanjatho, subha-yogam, satha aayu praapthihi If Moon is waxing and full / strong the yogam is strong and the person enjoys prosperity and royal comforts in life. This is very strong. If Jupiter and Moon conjunct in other house or Moon is waning and weak, the yogam is weak. Jupiter and Moon, if they form a strong Gaja-kesari yoga which, according to ancient texts makes one a "leader of their village, splendorous, intelligent, endowed with laudable virtues, roar like a lion in public assembly and will please the king / ruler of the land". Sri Rajeev ruled India as Prime Minister.

10) Simhasana Yoga : The word Simha means “lion” while “asana” means sitting posture. Therefore, the Yoga refers to the sitting-posture of the Lion indicating the effects of the Yoga in ruler-ship and administration. There are two conditions and a few variations as how is Yoga formed.


1. Lord of 10th house is placed in Lagnam. In this case, Lagna becomes stronger, with all its impact such as fame and administration. A person will sit or head the organisation, group or be a prominent figure in society. Lagna is a seat of Shiva and enlightenment, so in a spiritual charts, this Yoga will give huge followings, based on the subtle divisions. In this horoscope, Venus is the lord of 10th house (Taurus); he is strong and is in birth-lagna. So Sri Rajeev ascended the throne and ruled India as its Prime Minister. Also this is Dhana yoga. So he owned billions worth riches.

11) Charussagara yoga: Planets placed in all the kendra houses - good reputation and good fortune (better when it is formed by benefics). The kendra houses are the pillars of the horoscope. Planets placed there are extremely effective. When planets are occupying all the kendra houses, their energy will be powerfully felt, which in most cases, will be a good thing (especially when it concerns natural or temporary benefics). Venus, Jupiter and Mercury – the 3 benefics are in Kendra together (lagna is Kendra and kona)

Srika yoga: This occurs when only natural benefics are placed in the kendra houses – the person enjoys all comforts, good luck, abundance in life. Explanation: When srika yoga occurs, the natural benefics play vital and beneficial role in the person’s life. In his chart Jupiter, Venus, Mercury are in lagna (which is Kendra and also kona).

(to be continued tomorrow) You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.