Sunday, December 26, 2010

JESUS CHRIST--Horoscope--Part-2


The festival of Christmas is coming on Dec—25; so on this holy occasion, I like to publish the horoscope analysis of Jesus Christ, in my blog. My articles on Jesus Christ’s horoscope shall start from the Christmas , Dec—25—2010. I invite all the Christian brothers and sisters all over the world to read these articles; I welcome their useful comments and suggestions.

Part—2 (Dec—26—2010) I analysed all the three horoscopes of those divine personalities. It is a stupendous task and took me one month of concentrated and dedicated effort to analyse one horoscope. The basic aspects and evidence about the horoscopes and their life-events are confusing and sometimes contradictory. So a lot of research, study of existing literature (references) and spade work is needed to fix the horoscope data and to do a meaningful analysis. I believe my analysis is satisfactory to those readers, learned in vedic astrology. The Birth lagna is Virgo (Kanya); its significance : The ascendant (birth lagna) is 14 degrees in Virgo in the nakshatra Hasta. Virgo means Virgin (Kanya); a pious unmarried woman. In Greek astrology, this is represented by a woman holding wheat in one hand and fire in the other hand and traveling in a boat. This portrayal has a subtle meaning; Cooking the grains so it is fit to eat and digest. The fire may also indicate Jathara Agni (digestive fire). This can indicate giving vigour and stamina and strength to the person and also refinement or purification of food in digestive fire before the food undergoes digesion and assimilation inside the stomach. So the birth lagna indicates purification of his spirit, nature, and behaviour which serves as spiritual food to millions of his devotees.

Virgo is deemed to be a sign of purification; it is the 6th house of the natural zodiac, so it represents disease. So this bestows Virgo-born persons with an interest in healing, health care and service-orientated activities. So Christ possessed healing powers and served the people in distress and freed them from their ailments, Virgo born persons often develop skills in medical treatment and at a trade also. The maiden, Kanya, is a virgin woman so the symbolism "born of the Virgin Mary" is appropriate. His birth is pure and no sexual union of his mother with man (Jospeh) caused his birth.

The birth lagna (ascendant) is in the constellation Hasta. Hasta appears in the sky as a abhaya-hastha (an open hand) giving blessings to people. Hasta is a constellation associated with the hands; so we can assume that Jesus worked in the same profession / trade, carpentry, like his father Joseph.

The birth-lagna is powerfully aspected (7th drushti) by Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Jupiter is in his own house Pisces and is highly beneficial. Guru’s drushti (aspect) on lagna is very beneficial.

The lord of birth lagna Kanya (Virgo) is Mercury (Budha). He is in 4th house (Kendra; Sri Naryana sthana) conjunct with Sun; this forms Budha-Aditya yoga. Ravi, Soumya yuthau thathra thaa ubhau yoga karakau, thath dvayo paaka kaleshu paripoorna sukhapradau = Both Sun and Mercury give him happiness and all benefits in his life. Mercury is inDhanasu (Sagittarius) and is a fiend’s (Guru’s) house.

In Nava Amsa chart, the lagna (Taurus) is beneficially aspected (5th drushti) by Guru; Guru is in Makara (Capricorn) and is debilitated; but Guru had neecha bhanga debilitation removed); lord of Makara is Saturn and is in Makara(own house). Guru is also conjunct with Mars in exalted house. (to be continued tomorrow) You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ----------------. I dedicate all these articles in this blog, with utmost devotion, to Sri Parama VISVA-Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara ! I ask them only one boon / blessing from Them in return. Aayu. Aarogya, Aiswaryam and Happiness and the most important Boon of Sri Kaivalayapadam for me (liberation from the cycle of birth and death and oneness with Parama-atma!). I firmly believe They grant me this Boon, because I led a pious life all these years! I also pray Bhagavan: Sarva Janah Sukhino-bhavanthu! (May He / She bestow Peace and Happiness to All the persons in this world) !