Monday, December 27, 2010

JESUS CHRIST--Horoscope--Part-3


The festival of Christmas is coming on Dec—25; so on this holy occasion, I like to publish the horoscope analysis of Jesus Christ, in my blog. My articles on Jesus Christ’s horoscope shall start from the Christmas , Dec—25—2010. I invite all the Christian brothers and sisters all over the world to read these articles; I welcome their useful comments and suggestions. Part – 3 (Dec—27—2010)

Jesus was born under the influence of Elarata. Elarata Saturn manifests as vicious attacks on health and wealth. So the parents with new-bon baby (Christ) moved to Egypt to escape the wicked rule of King Herod of Israel. Christ grew up in total seclusion; this was indicated by the aspect (7th drushti) of Saturn on birth lagna.

10th house is house of profession (Karma-sthana). It was powerfully aspected (3rd drushti) of Saturn. So Christ took up a labour-oriented trade, carpentry, following his father’s tradition. He worked with his hands to earn livelihood. The presence of Ketu in the 9th house gave him atma-gnana (knowledge about self) and spiritual oriented-mind. Saturn aspects (3rd drushti) Ketu that Christ consecrated the common physical labour trade and poverty. Thereby he showed the intrinsic sacredness of his human life.

Moon is in Pisces; Saturn aspects (10th drushti) the 10th house from Indu-lagna. This indicates most of his disciples (followers) were illiterate, unlearned and ignorant men. He chose them from the humblest of the people.

The lord of Nava Amsa lagna (Gemini) is Mercury; and is associated with Ketu and Jupiter. This indicates his ascetic preferences. Ketu is in Karaka-amsa and is aspected (3rd druswhti) by Saturn; this made him a Tapaswi (who nourishes divine thoughts always in his mind.

The presence of malefics in Kaaraka amsa or in vyaya (12th house) from Kaarka amsa makes the person renounce the world. He devotes his life for serving the people and show them the path for salvation (liberation; moksha). In his chart two malefics Ketu and Saturn are in karaka amsa, (to be continued tomorrow) You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ----------------. I dedicate all these articles in this blog, with utmost devotion, to Sri Parama VISVA-Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara ! I ask them only one boon / blessing from Them in return. Aayu. Aarogya, Aiswaryam and Happiness and the most important Boon of Sri Kaivalayapadam for me (liberation from the cycle of birth and death and oneness with Parama-atma!). I firmly believe They grant me this Boon, because I led a pious life all these years! I also pray Bhagavan: Sarva Janah Sukhino-bhavanthu! (May He / She bestow Peace and Happiness to All the persons in this world) !