Friday, November 16, 2012

Horoscope of  Prophet Muhammad
Nov – 16 – 2012                                                    Friday
10) Jupiter (the giver of wisdom) and was in 9th house (Dharma sthanam).  He is aspected (4th drushti) by Mars.  Mars is the lord of Scorpio, the 10th house (Karma sthana).  Mars got Neecha-bhanga-raja yoga and was in Vargothama Amsa and was in exaltation in Cancer.  So Mars was strong par excellence.  The emphasis here was on the 9th and 10th houses – involving Jupiter and Saturn-ketu indicated us the methods employed by the Prophet Muhammad in spreading her religious doctrines by violence. He encouraged the shedding of the blood of kith and kin for the cause of Islam.  He desperately wanted to spread his Dharma (Islam) (due to Jupiter in the 9th house).  But the violence method he chose was in consonance with the nature of Mars (war lord).  In Nava Amsa chart, Mars and Saturn were conjunct in the 9th house gave additional support to his violence.    .------------ (to be continued tomorrow) You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------  I dedicate all these astrology articles in this blog to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara.
Horoscope of  Prophet Muhammad
Important events :    (1) During his Venus period and Rahu sub-period, his mother died. Then he was just 6 years old. Venus and malefic Ketu were in 4th house (mathru-sthana). This resulted in her tragic death.    (2) His marriage with Khadija occurred during Moon’s period and Saturn’s sub-period.  Then Muhammad was 25 years of age. Khadija Begum was 15 years older in age and was already a widow. We note that the major lord of 7th house (Leo) was Sun; and the sub-lord Saturn owns the 7th house (Capricorn) from Moon (the Rasi lagna). Venus is giver of wife (Kalathra-kaaraka) and Saturn is in 7th house (Scorpio) from Venus and aspecting him. .------------ (to be continued tomorrow) You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------  I dedicate all these astrology articles in this blog to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara.