Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov - 6 - 2012                                                 (Tuesday)
The birth of a baby means fulfillment. It is a step along parents’ way to spiritual, physical and emotional fulfillment. Having a baby is a glorious enterprise, full of joy and happiness and one that opens new horizons. In our society, child birth is seen as the most significant event, in the family the child is born.  “Aputrasya gather naasthi“ (a person without children can not go to the higher lokas (world) after his / her death.)  is a religious dictum of life.
It’s a gateway to the whole new generation. The child maintains the continuity of a family as a child is the father of the man. The child also upholds the traditions, beliefs and heritage of a family. Having a child and seeing the child grow is like heaven’s come down to one’s courtyard.
Child birth is also one of the most sensitive issues which often come up on the desks of astrologers. It has been seen that if a child is born in an auspicious time, which an astrologer predicts, the child lives a healthy, prosperous and meaningful life.
A child birth can be seen by the placement of different planets and signification of various houses. The main houses which signify child birth are the 2nd, 5th and the 10th. The sex of the child can also be predicted through various combinations of planets and their placements in different houses.

 Dedicated with    Devotion to Bhagavan Sri Lakshmi Srinivasa.    (to be continued tomorrow).   You can get my full particulars  from my web-site : www.jyothishi.com.  You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com  and know my fee particulars.   I have 48 years of  experience / practice as an active astrologer.------------------------------------