Friday, November 13, 2009

Horoscope Analysis of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Analysis of the Horoscope of
Bharath Ratna Jawaharlal Nehru

Nov—14 is the birth day anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. So I plan to publish a detailed horoscope analysis of Nehruji in 14 parts, starting from tomorrow; Nov—14—2009. I shall continue publishing many more female horoscopes afterwards.

Nehruji was the first Prime Minister of India (1947—64). Moon is in his own house in birth lagna (ascendant); Cancer; he is royal & has strong personality& diplomacy; he has lot of receptivity, compassion, flexibility or adjustability and has ability to understand other's problems and feelings. He is a visionary and loved India; he is, in fact, the architect of modern India. Some of his political policies might be totally wrong like Kasmir issue. But he is the real Bharath Ratna; and an illustrious son of India. He was a true patriot and I admire him.

He is a real pandit (a very great scholar); his books like “Glimpses of World History and Discovery of India” and other collected works reflect his erudition, wisdom and knowledge. I studied them in my teen-age. I was inspired by his writings. I admire his multi-faceted personality, in spite his shortcomings,

For about 3 decades, Nehru dedicated his life for independence struggle; he was one of the key-persons in that freedom-fight. He spent several years in various prisons in India. He underwent severe troubles; later his tenure as Prime Minister of India was not a carpet of roses; he always had mental tensions due to Pakistan’s aggressions, and Chinese’s aggression on India and international unrest due to cold-war problems. He suffered severe mental agony due to Chinese betrayal of Pancha-seela principles laid down for world-peace and their cruel aggression on India. India was totally defeated in that war (during 1962); but saved by the timely intervention of J.F. Kennedy, the then President of U.S.A. He stopped the war and restored peace. Pandit Nehruji finally had brain hemorrhage in Simla and died.