Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bhagavan Sri Ramanujacharya; Horoscope Analysis

Bhagavan Sri Ramanujacharya; Horoscope Analysis
Part-14 May-24-2011 Tuesday
My explanation:- According to above Sutras, Venus gives very beneficial results in the tenth house, in respect of the significations of this house unless afflicted. The results will be far more beneficial when Venus gets associated with any of the three benefics- Jupiter, Mercury and waxing and strong Moon. All the effects given are logical and relevant to the significations of the tenth house. For the Virgo ascendants, Venus will be in the 10th, as lord of the 2nd and 9th; for Capricorn ascendants, the 5th and 10th; and for Aquarius ascendants the 4th and 9th houses respectively. For the Cancer ascendant, Venus will be in the 10th house as lord of 4th and 11th houses. These dispositions give rise to very powerful Dhana yogas. When Venus is posited in the 10th house in his own sign (lord of 10th in 10th), a distinguished Raja yoga is formed which will confer great wealth, name and fame upon the native. Venus in the tenth house is in Kendra to the ascendant. The disposition of Venus there in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the effects of which have been given as under:-"The person will have a well developed physique, will be strong minded, wealthy, happy with children and wife, will command vehicles, endowed with clean sense organs and be renowned and learned."
Venus a benefic being in the 10th house to the ascendant also gives rise to the Amala yoga, the effects are : "The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. His character will be spotless and he will lead a prosperous life". -------------. (to be continued tomorrow) ) -------------- I dedicate all these articles in this blog to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara ! --------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site : www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.