Saturday, January 31, 2009

Offer to do horoscope analysis for present period at half-fees

Hearty Greetings; Every day I receive dozens of e-mail requests to examine their horoscopes and suggest astral remedies for their sufferings due to malefic periods now they pass through. They say their financial situation is the worst or they have no job. Previously I charge US dollars. One hundred as my dakshina (fees) for full-life analysis of the complete horoscope in full detail and offer remedies for malefic effects all their lives.
Now in view of the hundreds of requests to help, I offer to do horoscope analysis for present period of one or two years based on their horoscope and offer astral remedies and my astrological-advices for half-fees that is US. Dollars. Fifty only (Indian Rupees. Two thousands only). This offer is valid only for next three months (Feb, Mar, & Apr—2009). I welcome interested persons to utilize this offer and opportunity early. Best Wishes, Prof. Ramana Rao, Ph.D., Astrologer-Scientist; (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering; Visakhapatnam; India); Durham; NC-27703; U.S.A. (settled in U.S.A.; green-card-holder). Jan—31--2009