Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Financial prosperity--Part--14


(June—30—2009) This is the horoscope of world famous Tennis World Champion (3 times Wimbledon Winner) Ms.Venus Williams. She has many raja-yogas. She is a billionaire and leads the life of a Queen. Part—2.

3) Dhana Lakshmi yoga (Prosperity & Riches) :-- Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha. thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth ! = 1,5,9 houses from birth lagnam (ascendant) are called trikonams (tridents); 1,4,7,10 houses from birth lagam are called kendrams (quadrants); if the lords of trikonam and kendram are conjunct in same beneficial house, the person is blessed with Raja-yogam; if these lords exchange their places also in good houses, they give many benefits, the person gets longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame. The lord of lagna(kona as well s kendra) is in Kendra (10th house). This bestows her huge financial gains. 4) Gaja-Kesari yoga : Jupiter and Moon are conjunct Gaja-Kesari raja yoga. So she enjoys Gaja-kesari yogoyam: Chandra-kendre Bruhaspathihi; Gaja-kesari yoga sanjatho, subha-yogam, satha aayu praapthihi. This occurs in Rasi-lagna (Moon’s house). So she gets financial benefits from this yoga. She will be very rich and prosperous; she has good longevity. This yoga gives strength and leadership qualities to her.

5)Chandra-Managala yoga :- Chandra, Mangala yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Chandra-Mangala yoga-mutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, raja-yoga-adhikam bhaveth.= Mars is in the same house as Moon. So this yoga occurs from the Indu-lagna. The person enjoys raja-yoga; prosperity, comforts, financial gains and power to rule. The combined benefits of all the above aspects made her very happy, healthy and a multi-billionaire (to be continued tomorrow). ---- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Horoscope analysis of Indian Tennis Champion : Ms. Sania Mirza (June—29—2009) This is the birth chart of renowned Indian Tennis player Ms. Sania Mirza. She is rich, prosperous and successful in profession . She has raja-yogams in her horoscope.

















1) Kubera yoga : Rahu is I 3rd house. She is as rich and prosperous as Kubera, the Hindu deity of riches. She has determination, success, will-power and huge financial gains. 2) Budha-Aditya raja-yogam: Mercury and Sun are conjunct in 10th house (Sri Narayana sthaanam). Ravi, Soumya yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Budha-Aditya yogamutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, vanijya-vardhanam. Sun and Mercury conjunction is strong Budha-Adithya yoga; this makes her gain financially during periods of Sun and Mercury. Sbe will earn millions of dollars. Business is very profitable to her.

3) Dharma-karma adhipa yoga : The lord of 9th house (Bhagaya; Virgo) is Mercury and the lord of 10th house (Rajya; Libra) is Venus; they are conjunct in 10th house (Rajya/profession; Kendra; Sri Narayana sthana). This is akhanda raja-yoga. Venus is in his own house (moola-trikona; best place). This bestows her prosperity, success, and finacial gains worth millions.

4) Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga : Sun is debilitated; Venus is in the same house in moola-trikona in Kendra from Sun (same house). Also Venus is in 7th house from Rasi-lagna (Moon). So Sun gives her raja-yoga and huge financial gains.

5) Ruchaka yoga : Mars is exlted and is in birth lagna. This gives her success, prosperity and will-power.

6) Parivarthana (Exchange) yoga : Mars is in Capricorn (lord Saturn); Saturn is in Scorpio (lord Mars); this exchange of houses gives her best benefits. Both periods of Mars and Saturn give her benefits. Saturn is in 11th house (laabha; gains) gives her huge financial gains. 7) Chandra-Mangla yoga : - Chandra, Mangala yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Chandra-Mangala yoga-mutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, raja-yoga-adhikam bhaveth.= Mars is in 10th house from Moon. The person enjoys rja-yoga; prosperity, comforts, financial gains and power to rule. The combined benefits of all the above aspects made her very happy, healthy and a multi-millionaire. ---------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Financial prosperity--Part--13

Horoscope analysis of Ms. Shilpa Shetty

(June—28—2009) Sunday

This is the horoscope of a rich cine-actress and highly successful show business / advertisement business model Ms. Silpa Shetty. She is a multi-billionaire.

Mars Jupiter




Moon Mercury Ketu




RASI; Ms. Shilpa Shetty June-8-1975; Chennai







Kubera-yoga :-- Rahu is in 3rd house from birth lagna and is aspected (9th drushti) by Jupiter. So she is as rich as Kubera (the Hindu deity of riches; he is the treasurer of kingdom of heavens (Deva Lokam). She is billionaire. She has Moon exalted in Taurus, 9th house (Bhagya; fortune and luck). Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Bhagya (9th house; fortune) causing Budha-Aditya yoga. So business (sh0w-business) yields her huge financial gains. Jupiter is in his own house Pisces in Kendra (7th house; Sri Narayana stahana) and aspects (7th drushti) birth lagna. So she shall marry a multi-billionaire. Venus (lord of Dhana sthana, Riches, Libra) is in 11th house (Labha; prosperity) and is aspected (5th drushti) by Jupiter. The lord of birth-lagna (Virgo) is Mercury and is in 9th house (Bhagya; fortune) forming strong Budha-Aditya yoga. So show-business has rained millions of pound sterling /Euros on her during the past (1998—2009). She has dhana yoga.

Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha.

thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth !

1,5,9 houses from birth lagnam (ascendant) are called trikonams (tridents); 1,4,7,10 houses from birth lagam are called kendrams (quadrants); if the lords of trikonam and kendram are conjunct in same beneficial house, the person is blessed with Raja-yogam; if these lords exchange their places also in good houses, they give many benefits, the person gets longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame. The lord of birth lagna (both Kendra and kona), Virgo is Mercury. He is also the lord of 10th house (Gemini; Kendra; Sri Narayana sthana). He in in 9th house (kona; Bhagya; fortune). Also the lord of 5th house (kona; Sri Maha Lakshmi sthana; Capricorn) is Saturn. He is in 10th house (Kendra; Sri Narayana sthana). So she enjoys huge riches due to this strong Dhana (wealth) yoga.

There is a beneficial and strong Parivarthana (Exchange) yoga. Venus is the lord of 9th house (Bhagya; fortune and luck), Taurus. Moon is the lord of the 11th house (laabha; gains and ; profits ) Cancer. Venus is in Cancer and Moon is in Taurus. Also the position of Bhagya lord in labha and the laabha lord in Bhagya causes a powerful Dhana (riches) yoga. Moon is exalted in Taurus causes Bhagya (riches- fortune and luck). Jupiter is in his own house Pisces, 7th house (Kendra; Sri Narayana sthana) and apects (5th drushti) Venus and the 11th house (laabha) is very beneficial. Mercury (significator of success and profits in business) is the lord of birth lagna (Virgo) and the 10th house (profession / business); he is in 9th house (Bhagya; luck and fortune) causes her to earn huge income in show-business. Kedara Yoga :- All the planets (except Rahu and Ketu) are in four houses causes Kedara yoga. The person is very prosperous and charitable; she is collecting millions of money by benefit shows to donate for HIV sufferes and control of HIV in the world.

Hamsa Yoga :- When Jupiter (Guru) is in exaltation sign or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Moon, this Yoga is formed . In this yoga native will have good personality and good moral character. The person shall be religious, and very fortunate. Vividha-sasthra rahasya-vichakshana, sukee, su-jeevana, punya-samanvithaha, savala-vallbha-vandhya, su-charitravaan, bhavathi Deva-guru Hamsa yoga-yuthe (Jataka Marthandam)= The person shall be learned in various arts or sciences, happy, hale and heaithy; he leads a decent and pious life. He does good deeds and earns punyas (virtues). He is praised by all and the rulers (king) of the land. His conduct and character are good. In her chart Jupiter is in his own house (Pisces) in 7th house (Kendra) formimg a strong Hamsa yoga. She is very beautiful and liked by millions of people all over the world.

All these beneficial aspects made her financially very prosperous,and a billionaire. (to be continue tomorrow). -------------------You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

JYOTHISHI.BLOG : Articles Publication - 400 articles

JYOTHISHI.BLOG : Articles Publication (June—27—2009) Saturday

Namaste ! By the Grace and blessings of Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara, I completed publication of 400 articles on various topics of Vedic astrology in my blog during June,2008- June, 2009 period. I publish one article every day. I trust the information given in this blog is very useful and instructive to budding astrologers as well as to persons with keen interest in vedic astrology. My aim is to share my knowledge with all the persons in the world. Great Poet Sri Bharthruhari (of 350 BC) rightly said (Sanskrit sloka) : PRATHIPAADYA MAANA MANISHAM, PRAPNOTHI VRUDHIM PARAAM (knowledge goes on multipling hundred-fold by giving it to other people). Also I illustrate important rules of astrology, giving suiable examples. Thousands of persons from all over the world sent me e-mails praising my blog-articles; I am highly thankful to them. I appreciate if learned scholars of astrology (my pranams to them) offer me their suggestions to my e-mail address, pandit@ jyothishi.com, enlightening additional relevant information on each topic . This is my 401st blog-article. I am very happy to inform that “ My blog and articles were listed in the top position among 3,83,000 and odd entries under the caption “Vedic astrology blogs” in Google web-search site on June-21-2009.

Today, I complete publishing 400 artilces in my bolg. I thank profusely all those thousands of readers who sent me e-mails appreciating my blog. I do not criticize the horos-analysis done by other astrologers. If other astrologers criticize my articles in my blog, I do not worry or get offended. If they offer any constructive suggestions, I accept them gratefully. If any published article is not in conformity with the principles of vedic astrology enunciated by great saint-astrologers like Maharshis Parasara, Jaimini, Garga, Agsthya, Varahamihira, Kalidasa etc., I do not accept the matter in that article. This is my nature and principle = Anyairvi nischitham aham na vimarsayaami; sochami na atma kathitham para-dooshitham, vaa; prak sampradaya anikrutham tva-kuthaha pramanam, na angeekaromi; niyama sahajo mayaayam. (This Sanskrit sloka (verse) is from Jataka Maniharam written by me). My hearty greetings to all the readers of my blog. Saturday; June-27-2009. Prof. Ramana Rao, Ph.D.,F.A.S., F.I.E. Astologer-Scientist. -----------------------------------------------------------

Friday, June 26, 2009

Financial Prosperity predications-Part--12

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas Part-9 (June—26—2009) Labels : Moon was in Kendra and formed Gaja-kesari yoga in Nava amasa; so the king overcame the sedition charges and accusations.

I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen of Baroda as her son. I explain the important events in his life. 9) The afflications to the Sun and Moon showed their malefic effects during the end of Sun’s period and the beginning of the Moon’s period, during 1911. Moon was highly afflicted; also ruled the prathyuk star (obstruction and opposition). The Political Department of the British Governent accused the Maharaja of delibertate insult to the British monarch. The imperious British Viceroy in Delhi wounded the sense of dignity and selfrespect of the raja. Moon was in Kendra and formed Gaja-kesari yoga in Nava amasa; so the king overcame the sedition charges and accusations; he passed through the crisis. But he was personally hurt and offended.

10) The period of Mars went on smoothly. The state of Baroda progessed well and it became famous all over India. He was a good ruler. 11) Rahu was in Vyaya (12th) house from lagna in Bhava and Rasi; Rahu was in 2nd house (Maraka; death causing) from Moon in Nava amsa; Rahu was in Scorpio in Bhava; so he could give results due to Mars (lord of Scorpio); Mars was the lord of the 5th house (Aries) and the 12th house (Scorpio) from lagna. Mars was in 7th (Maraka) from Moon and aspected it. In Nava amsa chart Mars was the lord of 3rd house (Scorpio) and the 8th house (Aries; Randhra) and was conjunct with Saturn (signficator of longevity) in the 8th house. Venus, the sub-lord was the lord of 2nd house (Taurus; Maraka) in nava amsa and was in 2nd house from Moon. All these malefic reasons caused the death of Maharaja Sayaji Rao during Mars main period at the beginning of the sub-period of Venus. (concluded). You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Financial Prosperity predications-Part--11

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas Part-8

(June—25---2009) Labels : The boy (Sayaji) was adopted as her son by the Queen-mother as soon as the Saturn sub-period started in the main period of Mercury. I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen of Baroda as her son. I explain the important events in his life.

1) It was the strange game of Fate; the Queen (mother) selected this ordinary peasant boy and crowned him as the King during 1875, when he was barely 12 years of age. This occurred during the end of Mercury dasa (sub-period of Saturn). Mercury was the lord of 10th house (Rajya); he was in 3rd house and was conjunct with Sun the lord of 9th house (Bhagya; luck). This was highly beneficial. In the Nava amsa, Mercury was the lord of 10th house and was in 2nd house from lagna (Dhana-sthana) and in 11th house (laabham) from Rasi-lagna (Moon).

2) The boy was adopted as her son by the Queen-mother as soon as the Saturn sub-period started in the main period of Mercury. Saturn ruled over the Parama-mithra star for the boy. Saturn was the lord of 2nd house (Dhana-sthana) in Bhava; he was conjunct with highly benefic Jupiter and was aspected (7th drushti) by exalted Venus.

3) His marriage was performed during the main period of Ketu and sub-period of Venus. Venus was vivaha-kalathra-kaarka (significator of marriage and wife); he was exalted in Pisces (4th house; Sri Naryana sthana) and was very beneficial. Ketu was placed in Taurus and so he gave the beneficial results of Venus (the lord of Taurus) and caused marriage. 4) Sayaji Rao Gaekwar was invested with full power and his coronation was performed during the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Ketu. Jupiter was in 10th house (Rajya sthana) in Bhava chart and Ketu was conjunct with Mars and Jupiter aspected (9th drushti) both Mars and Ketu. In Nava amsa chart also Jupiter was in Kendra (4th house, Sri Naryana sthana). Jupiter was in his own house, Sagittatius and was conjunct with Moon forming strong Gaja-Kesari Raja-yoga. Also Ketu was in laabha-sthana (11th house) and was apected (7th drushti) by benefic Venus. These powerful and beneficial aspects resulted in his coronation during sub-period of Jupiter during the main period of Ketu. The period of 1881-85 resulted in his consolidation of power; he expanded his kingdom and implemented beneficial reforms in the administration. (to be continued tomorrow).-------------------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Financial Prosperity predications-Part--10

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas Part--7

(June—24—2009) Labels : Malavya yoga : bestowed him resoluteness and huge wealth; Rajha Sayaji Rao was adored by the people as incarnation of Lord Vishnu. I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen of Baroda as her son. I explain the raja-yogas mainly.

18) He also had ava-yogas (malefic aspects) in his kalathra-bhava (wife). Venus is (kalathra-kaarka) significator of wife was exalted in 4th house (Kendra; Sri Naryana sthana). So ot married to noble amd elite ladies. But Saturn aspects (7th drushti) Venus and (10th drushti) the 7th house (Gemini). Also Indu-lagna (Scorpio) has the aspect (7th drushti) of 2 malefics, namely Mars and Ketu. Nava amsa chart had Venus conjunct wit Rahu and aspected (7th drushti) by Ketu. Here the 7th house from Indu lagna (Sagittatius) has Sun (malefic) in it.

These malefic aspects had combined effect on his wife. There was some relief-aspect also; the 7th house from Nava amsa lagna is empty and was free from malefic effects. Jupiter aspected (7th drushti) the Sun and the 7th house from Indu-lagna. Venus was exalted in Rasi. So his first wife died and he had to marry a second time.

19) Malaveeya yoga (Venus was exalted in 4th house) is aMahapurusha yoga; so he possessed resoluteness and huge wealth and he was adored by the people as incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

20) Pancha-anana yoga : The chart has all the 9 planets in 5 houses; pancha-anana-yoga ; so he was a multi-millionaire . Saint-astrologer Parasara said : YADI BHAVATHI GRAHA-INDRAAHA, PANCHA RAASAU YUKTHAHA, AUBHA SUBHAYUTHO, VAA, NEECHA, SATHRU GRAHE VAA, ASUBHAM AKHILAM VINASAM, NAASA KEMADRUMAADI SSA; BHAVATHI NRUPATHULYO, YOGAM PANCHA-ANANOYAM = If all the nine planets stay in 5 houses (raasis), all the malefic effects in the horoscope are removed completely; malefic effects like union with malefic planets, stay in malefic houses, stay in inimical houses or ava-yogams like Kemadruma and such bad yogams are completely removed.

21) Subha-Vesi yoga Exalted Venus was in 2nd house from Sun in Bhava chart. This bestowed him financial gains and strengthened the beneficial aspects in his horoscope.

(to be continued tomorrow).---------------------------------------------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas Part-6 June—23—2009 Labels : These malefic aspects (ava-yoga) caused damage to the puthra-bhava (children aspect); so he suffered death of his son,

I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen of Baroda as her son. I explain the raja-yogas mainly.

15) Parivarthana raja-yoga : In Rasi Venus is lord of Libra and Jupiter is in it; Venus is in Pisces and its lord is Jupiter. Saturn is lord of Aqaurius and Mercury is in it; Mercury is lord of Virgo and Saturn is in it; these exchages of houses gave him the best benefits.

16) In the Navamsa chart Sun is in the 10th house (Gemini); Moon and Jupiter aspect (7th drushti) Sun and the 10th house; Saturn aspects (3rd drusti) the 10th house and the Sun. The royal planets Sun and Moon were afflicted. These afflictions (ava-yoga) created situations by which the Poitical Department of the British Government in India, then ruling India, hated the Maha Raja and always tried its best to harm him; at the same time the British rulers tried to show him as the darling of the nationalist India.

17) The lord of 5th house (Aries) was Mars. He was afflicated in 6th house (Sathrusthana; enemy house); besides Mars is conjunct with malefic Ketu. Rahu aspects (7th drushti) Mars. Besides Jupiter, the signficator of children, suffered Paapa karthari yoga (hemmed between Saurn and Rahu). All these malefic aspects (ava-yoga) caused damage to the puthra-bhava (children aspect). Also in Nava-amsa, Rahu spoiled the 5th house and also Venus staiying therein, Also Saturn’s aspect (10th drushti) on 5th house and Venus therein caused further damage. So his sons died while he was alive. He suffered acute grief and loss.

The combined benefits of all the above aspects made him very happy, healthy and a multi-millionaire (to be continued tomorrow).---------------------------------------------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monday, June 22, 2009

Financial Prosperity predications-Part--9

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas Part-5 (June—22—2009) Labels : These raja-yogas made a very ordinary peasant boy by birth to become the mighty ruler of a huge kingdom of Baroda.

I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen of Baroda as her son. I explain the raja-yogas mainly. 12) Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga : The Moon had a very powerful neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga. Moon was debilitated (neecha) in Scorpio; the lord of the house (Taurus) where Moon was exalted was Venus. Venus was exalted in Pisces in Kendra (4th house) from birth lagna; this caused a very powerful raja-yoga. In addition, Mars, the lord of Scorpio (where Moon’s debilitation occurred) aspected Moon (7th drushti). These raja-yogas made a very ordinary peasant boy by birth to become the mighty ruler of a huge kingdom of Baroda.

13) Sun is the lord of 9th house (Bhagya; luck and success); Mercury is the lord of 10th house (Rajya; power ro rule). Their conjunction resulted in tow powerful raja-ygas; namely, Budha-Aditya raja yoga and also Dharma-Karma adhipa raja yoga.

These occurred in the house of courage (3rd house). These beneficial aspects gave him the qualties of a ruler and also made him the King of Baroda.

14) Simhasana raja-yoga was present due to lord of birth lagna Jupiter was in 10th house (Rajya). The lord of 2nd house (Capricorn), Saturn, was also in the 10th house (Rajyam); the lord of 10th house Mercury was present in the 2nd house from lagna in Nava-amsa chart. The 10th house (Virgo) and the planets therein Jupiter and Saturn were aspected (7th drushti) by exalted Venus (highly beneficial). These clearly show that the beneficial influence of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th bhavas are so blended constructively and inter-related that they together contribute to his immense wealth and power the Maharaja enjoyed in his times.

The combined benefits of all the above aspects made him very happy, healthy and a multi-millionaire (to be continued tomorrow).--- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Financial Prosperity predications-Part--8

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas (June--21--2009)

Sunday Part-4

I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen as her son. I explain the raja-yogas mainly.

9) Mars and Jupiter gave him a magnetic personality; he hada keen sense of his unique positon as an independent ruler. He realized his responsibilities to the people and to his state. He also fully understood the value of the method of administration, and economy of cotemporary time. He proved to be a good ruler.

10) Rahu in 12th house indicated that he had tolerance to all relgions.

11) The Moon was practically eclipsed by Rahu; Moon was also debilitated. These two aspects clearly indicate that he belonged to an ordinary peasants’ family by birth, bfore he was adoped by the Queen of Baroda. The conjunction of Rahu with Moon resulted in a Sarpa-yoga. There was a legend; as soon as the boy was born his people in the house found that a King Cobra entered the room; it spread its powerful hood on the new-born baby-boy as if offering homage and proection to the baby-boy. People who witnessed that scence were awe-struck; they believed the baby-boy to be the avathar (incarnation) of lord Sri Maha Vishnu and the cobra as Adi-sesha (divine serpent who always keeps his hood as umbrella over the head of Sri Maha Vishnu) and also believed the boy was born to rule. This legend reached the Queen; she got the boy and his horoscope examined by expert astrologers of her royal court. Later, on their advice, she adopted the boy as her son. The combined benefits of all the above aspects made him very happy, healthy and a multi-millionaire (to be continued tomorrow).---------------------------------------------------- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Financial Prosperity predications-Part--7

The horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911)- Raja-yogas Part-3

I give hereunder a detailed anlysis of the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911), in 9 parts. He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen as her son. I explain the raja-yogas mainly.

6) The lord of birth-lagna Jupiter is in 10th house in Bhaava chart; he is in laabha (11th house) in Rasi chart. Jupiter suffers Paapa Karthari yoga (bad yoga); he is hemmed between two malefic planets Rahu and Saturn. In Nava amsa chart the birth lagna (Virgo) has no afflection















The lord of Virgo Mercury is aspected (7th drushti) by Mars and Saturn. These combined aspects indicate the person has a comination of Martian, Jupiterian, and Mercurian qualties. So Sri Sayaji was heroic, quiet, self-possessed and perseverant.

7) The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio and is conjuct with Rahu; also aspected by Mars and Ketu (7th drushti) and by Saturn (3rd drushti). Thus Moon is considerably afflicated and is malefic. This malefic aspect is mostly relieved by Moon staying in conjunction with Jupiter (in his own house, Sagittarius) forming a very powerful Gaja-kesari yoga. Gaja-Kesari yoga : Jupiter and Moon are conjunct Gaja-Kesari raja yoga. So he enjoys GAJA—KESARI yogam. Gaja-kesari yogoyam Chandra-kendre Bruhaspathihi; Gaja-kesari yoga sanjatho, subha-yogam, satha aayu praapthihi. This occurs in

Sagittariu . So he gets huge financial benefits from this yoga. He was very rich and prosperous; he had good longevity. This yoga gives strength and leadership qualities to him.

8) Sun is the lord of the 9th house (Leo, bhagya; luck and sucess); he is in 3rd house; in Rasi Jupiter aspects (5th drushti) Sun; in Nava amsa also Jupiter aspects (7th drushti) Sun. The combination of all these aspects like the disposition of birth lagna, Sun and Moon cause him a powerful raja-yoga and gave him success and luck. The combined benefits of all the above aspects made him very happy, healthy and a multi-millionaire (to be continued tomorrow).--- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer