Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Financial prosperity--Part--14


(June—30—2009) This is the horoscope of world famous Tennis World Champion (3 times Wimbledon Winner) Ms.Venus Williams. She has many raja-yogas. She is a billionaire and leads the life of a Queen. Part—2.

3) Dhana Lakshmi yoga (Prosperity & Riches) :-- Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha. thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth ! = 1,5,9 houses from birth lagnam (ascendant) are called trikonams (tridents); 1,4,7,10 houses from birth lagam are called kendrams (quadrants); if the lords of trikonam and kendram are conjunct in same beneficial house, the person is blessed with Raja-yogam; if these lords exchange their places also in good houses, they give many benefits, the person gets longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame. The lord of lagna(kona as well s kendra) is in Kendra (10th house). This bestows her huge financial gains. 4) Gaja-Kesari yoga : Jupiter and Moon are conjunct Gaja-Kesari raja yoga. So she enjoys Gaja-kesari yogoyam: Chandra-kendre Bruhaspathihi; Gaja-kesari yoga sanjatho, subha-yogam, satha aayu praapthihi. This occurs in Rasi-lagna (Moon’s house). So she gets financial benefits from this yoga. She will be very rich and prosperous; she has good longevity. This yoga gives strength and leadership qualities to her.

5)Chandra-Managala yoga :- Chandra, Mangala yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Chandra-Mangala yoga-mutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, raja-yoga-adhikam bhaveth.= Mars is in the same house as Moon. So this yoga occurs from the Indu-lagna. The person enjoys raja-yoga; prosperity, comforts, financial gains and power to rule. The combined benefits of all the above aspects made her very happy, healthy and a multi-billionaire (to be continued tomorrow). ---- You can get my full particulars from my web-site www.jyothishi.com. You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: pandit@jyothishi.com and know my fee particulars. I have 45 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer.