Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gautama Buddha; Horoscope Analysis; Part--13

I already published over 890 articles (one a day) on various topics of Vedic Astrology in my blog starting from June-1-2008. I received many thousands of e-mail expressing their appreciation of my articles and the blog; the articles contain subject density. I trust the contents of my blog are very useful to amateur astrologers, who desire to master the subject. I publish the Horoscope Analysis of Bhagavan Gautama Buddha in a serial order in 14 parts starting from Oct—28—2010.

Gautama Buddha was one of the greatest saints produced in India to spread human values and reform the evil practices like casteism, other superstitious practices in Hinduism prevalent in his period. He preached Dharma (right behaviour) as a reformed Hinduism. Later it got shaped into a separate religion “Buddhism”. He is adored by millions of people all over the Asian Nations as supreme God. Hindus worship him as one of the ten Avatharas (incarnations) of Bhagavan Sri Narayana.

Horoscope analysis – Gautama Buddha

Part – 13 Nov—10—2010

7) Sun is the lord of 2nd house (Leo) maraka-sthana; Sun is in 7th house (maraka sthana; death-causing) from Rasi-lagna (Moon). Saturn is lord of 7th house (Capricorn; maraka-sthana) from birth lagna. Saturn and Mars (both are malefics) are conjunct in 7th house, maraca-sthana (Aries) from Rasi-lagna (Moon). Mars is also the lord two maraka-sthanas of 2nd House (Scorpio) and 7th house (Aries) from Rasi-lagna (M0on). Also Sun and Saturn (lord of maraka sthana) were conjunct. Because of all these malefic effects, when the sub-period of Mars started during the main period of Sun, Gautama fell very ill; he had temporary recovery. By the end of Mars sub-period in the main-period of Sun, during his 80th year, Gautama Buddha passed away. His last words of advice were:“ Decay and death are natural and inherent in all living beings in this world. Continue your noble work with diligence and earn your own nirvana (salvation)”. Because the 22nd Drakkana was a benefic sign, Gautama Buddha knew about his end well in advance; his end was peaceful.

My opinions :- The unique feature of this great horoscope is the presence of five planets both in Rasi and Bhava charts in Karma-sthana (10th house; Sri Narayana sthana) in a spherical arc of 23* in Aries; which clearly depicts the dynamic personality of the great Buddha. This caused so many Raja-yogas as well as the great PARIVRAJAKA YOGA (Sanyasi). These 5 planets are in Kendra (7th house; Sri Narayana sthana) from Moon the Rasi-lagna also. These give us a clear insight into the great achievements of Bhagavan Buddha. Most of the Hindus (including me) adore Buddha as the 10th Avathar (incarnation of Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu).

The conjunction of the 5 planets in one house (Aries) can be taken as a Gola yoga; the presence of this yoga in the horoscope of any nation / country can cause great upheaval. In the horoscope of an individual, Gautama Buddha, this Gola yoga caused stupendous achievements in his life. He bestowed humanity a new easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow religion, stressing the moral and ethical practices in life.

The conjunction of Jupiter (jnana-kaaraka), Saturn (moksha-kaaraka) and Sun (Atma-karaka) in Karma sthana clearly proves us that he never denied God or the soul and the main pillars of Hinduism, naely, Dharma (righteousness; ethics; morals), Karma (right action without desires) , samsara and moksha (nirvana; salvation). He was a religious Hindu by birth and training. In fact, all his original preachings emanated from the luminous and inspiring thoughts contained in the Hindu Upanishads. He denied only the superfluous Karma-kanda (rituals) which grew prominence abandoning the real inner spirit or meaning latent in them. Budha’s doctrines are : the Noble Eightfold Path describes the way to the end of suffering, based on righteousness in views, intentions, speech, actions, livelihood, efforts, mindfulness and concentration. The Four Noble Truths are (1) Life is full of suffering. Desires are main cause for suffering. (2) The origin of suffering is attachment. (3) The cessation of suffering is attainable by conquering desires and non-attachment. (4) This is also the essence of Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s preachings in the Geetha. He preached and practised equality of all humans with no divisions of caste, creed and the like. The main blemish of Hinduism was and is caste system and the resultant discrimination. So millions of people of lower castes gladly adopted Buddha’s religion and path of life, forsaking Hindu religion. (concluded) (fresh article to be started tomorrow). You can get my full particulars from my web-site : You can get my astrological services by contacting me by e-mail: and know my fee particulars. I have 48 years of experience / practice as an active astrologer. DEDICATED TO BHAGAVAN SRI LAKSHMI SRINIVASA