Friday, December 26, 2008

Jesus Christ - horoscope analysis - Part--3


The festival of Christmas is coming on Dec—25; so on this holy occasion, I like to publish the horoscope analysis of Jesus Christ, in my blog. My articles on Jesus Christ’s horoscope shall start from the Christmas Eve, Dec—24—2008. I invite all the Christian brothers and sisters all over the world to read these articles; I welcome their useful comments and suggestions.
Part—3 Dec—26—2008
The birth lagna (ascendant) is in the constellation Hasta. Hasta appears in the sky as a abhaya-hastha (an open hand) giving blessings to people. Hasta is a constellation associated with the hands; so we can assume that Jesus worked in the same profession / trade, carpentry, like his father Joseph.
The birth-lagna is powerfully aspected (7th drushti) by Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Jupiter is in his own house Pisces and is highly beneficial. Guru’s drushti (aspect) on lagna is very beneficial.
The lord of birth lagna Kanya (Virgo) is Mercury (Budha). He is in 4th house (Kendra; Sri Naryana sthana) conjunct with Sun; this forms Budha-Aditya yoga. Ravi, Soumya yuthau thathra thaa ubhau yoga karakau, thath dvayo paaka kaleshu paripoorna sukhapradau = Both Sun and Mercury give him happiness and all benefits in his life. Mercury is inDhanasu (Sagittarius) and is a fiend’s (Guru’s) house.
In Nava Amsa chart, the lagna (Taurus) is beneficially aspected (5th drushti) by Guru; Guru is in Makara (Capricorn) and is debilitated; but Guru had neecha bhanga debilitation removed); lord of Makara is Saturn and is in Makara(own house). Guru is also conjunct with Mars in exalted house.
Jesus was born under the influence of Elerata. So the parents with new-bon baby (Christ) moved to Egypt to escape the wicked rule of King Herod of Israel. Christ grew up in total seclusion; this was indicated by the aspect (7th drushti) of Saturn on birth lagna.
10th house is house of profession (Karma-sthana). It was powerfully aspected (3rd drushti) of Saturn. So Christ took up a labour-oriented trade, carpentry, following his father’s tradition. He worked with his hands to earn livelihood.
Sarvathra san-mangalaani bhavanthu ! (May Everything be very highly beneficial to you). (to be continued tomorrow) ===============
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